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Love it!!! Fuck the haters and straightors!


Very nice! i don't get all the hate comments but these are very good. Have a nice day <3


my chicken DO need more cock

This is so random, I love it, this is the kind of music I would listen every day.  Thanks for this masterpiece

the titles are literally literal

(1 edit) (+3)

idek whats this thing about but how tf are there so many hate comments oh my god


its an album

(2 edits) (+2)

When I read the comments I feel like they came here to say "fuck this song"

If you don't like it, just leave.

Better for you and everyone :)


need these on spotify


 VLC is free

(1 edit) (+3)(-44)

this is not the right path. you were not created like that, you're fooling yourself and they are fooling you. the moment you start thinking am i a gay, is the exact moment you fall in the trap. and they will support you and say yess you arrrre. it's a brain wash and any one can become a gay like that, again it's not genes, it's brainwash :) an idiology put by force by the media inside our heads. if it's just genes they you'll find people who were normal and then become gays, why? did their genes changed? or after 20 years they had a sudden awake?! bro it's not super saiyen mode they discovered later, wake up!


its just a title no need to get mad like that.


this is like if a 6 year old was asked to make a fox news segment. wtf is this comment, I almost got an aneurism trying to read this. 


the man who posted this comment is a great person and I agree with him


this girl aint gay, she use questionable titles sometimes + LOOK AT THE SONGS. "Duck Descending To Hell In An Elevator", "Femboy Hooters Jingle", "MEGALOBUTTS", what were you expecting from this one celled organism??


shut up Ahmed, you're wrong


Honestly, I was going to engage but it's probably better to just report.


yeah, good point

(1 edit) (+6)

This dude is so rage at the title lmao
We're in 2024


W AhmedMasmoudi

...dude, she has very suggestive thinking for titles, she random

I was not created to work, I was born to eat apple flavored crackers and draw with crayons on the wall. This fooling us crap is getting on my nerves, I am tired of the media telling me I should say "hello" instead of goo goo gaa gaa. I will now live out my true for googoogoogaaagaaaga






Where can I listen to this I dont hear anything..

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